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Congregation Dorshei Emet

In-Person Services Guidelines

To ensure everyone’s safety and offer the most comfortable atmosphere possible, the following protocols will be in place:

•             Proof of vaccination is required at the door to enter, either the Quebec government app, or a printed copy of your QR code.  If you forget this proof you will be turned away without exception.

•             Masks must be worn at all times, except for those who are alone on the bimah.  Singing while masked is allowed (and encouraged!).

•             Please ensure proper distancing by leaving one or two chair(s) empty in between each household.

•             Tallits and kippot will not be offered for hygiene reasons.  Please bring your own.

•             Please don't linger in groups inside the building.

•             Please do not attend if you are feeling at all unwell or have any possible symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, new cough, loss of sense of smell etc..)

Please be respectful to our ushers and parnassim and follow their instructions. This year's circumstances are placing an extra burden on our volunteers. We also ask for a little extra patience if arriving and leaving take a bit more time than usual. 


Fri, May 10 2024 2 Iyyar 5784