Shabbat Services
Shabbat Services
Communal prayer and study are traditional practices in the Jewish spiritual path of Shabbat. The Jewish Sabbath is the original mindfulness practice. On Shabbat we stop “doing” and practice just “being,” noticing what is and enjoying the present moment. On Shabbat we “unplug” and cease from exercising control over others and the world. On Shabbat we are free, and we allow others to be free to experience the fullness of being alive.
Our Shabbat services, held on Saturday mornings at 10:00 am, are intimate, participatory, and relaxed. We mix traditional prayers with music and chant, often with guitar, and creatively blend readings and poems to ensure that the service is fresh and relevant. Newcomers are warmly welcomed, no matter your knowledge level or Jewish background. We have a wide range of people attend, from those who were raised in a more traditional environment to spiritual seekers, and "devout atheists" who come for the spirituality and community. We are a fully egalitarian synagogue, and men and women receive equal honours and opportunities to participate. The dvar torah (sermon) opens into a group discussion, allowing the exchange of ideas and multiple voices. Services are followed by a vegetarian Kiddush lunch, where we can continue our conversation.
There are many opportunities to get involved. We are always looking for Torah readers, haftarah readers, and service leaders. If you have an upcoming wedding, yahrzeit, birthday, or if you’ve just recovered from an illness or given birth, we invite you to be called up to the Torah for an aliyah, to recite the blessings over Torah reading and receive a special mi shebeirach blessing for yourself. Please arrive in the sanctuary by 10:00 am on Shabbat morning, and identify yourself to one of our parnassim (assistants) for an aliyah.
Please register for Shabbat services, the link can be found in our Weekly Announcements. Click here to read why.
Sat, February 15 2025
17 Shevat 5785
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 15 Shabbat Registration (Guest Speaker MP Anthony Housefather) שבת שלום Shabbat, Feb 15 10:00am |
Feb 15 TEEN Havdallah & Games Night Motzei Shabbat, Feb 15 6:30pm |
Feb 22 Shabbat Registration (No Kiddush/Tot Shabbat) שבת שלום Shabbat, Feb 22 10:00am |
Feb 22 Let the games begin-Havdallah and game night Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22 7:30pm |
Feb 24 The Trump Tariff Threat with Moshe Lander (Zoom) Monday, Feb 24 7:30pm |
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Congregation Dorshei Emet - 18 Cleve Rd., Hampstead, QC, H3X 1A6 - 514-486-9400
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