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Hadesh Yameinu Mahzor Reviews

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“What a wonderful work… Mahzor Hadesh Yameinu breaks the boundaries between classical texts and contemporary prose and poetry, mind and heart, intellect and spirit, and it does all this with a clear understanding of the matbe’ah tefillah. I honestly look forward to using it next High Holidays. Yasher Koah!”
– Rabbi Irwin Kula, President, CLAL

“Hadesh Yameinu is an astoundingly rich and thoughtful mahzor that weaves together traditional liturgy with meaningful reflections to deepen one’s prayer experience…an outstanding spiritual resource for a broad spectrum of the Jewish people.”
– Rabbi Nancy Flam, The Institute of Jewish Spirituality

“Renew Our Days is an extraordinary achievement! This book is so erudite that a scholar would learn from it, and yet so inviting that a person finding their way into Judaism would be welcomed into its pages. Mahzor Hadesh Yameinu will continue to serve Jews on their journeys of return for years to come.”
– Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kreimer, Director of Religious Studies, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

“By any measure, this new mahzor is an amazing accomplishment. The liturgy is largely traditional, the linear translation throughout is accurate and felicitous, the selection of supplementary readings from ancient midrash to the poetry of Yehuda Amichai is generous, the art work provides a subtle sub-text to the flow of the service, the commentaries are theologically rich, and the introductions to each section of the service illuminate its structure. Above all, the format is compact and clear. Mahzor Hadesh Yameinu will be a treasure both for the experienced worshiper and for the novice.”
– Rabbi Neil Gillman, Professor of Jewish Philosophy, Jewish Theological Seminary of America

“…a worthy complement to the earlier volume for Sabbath, Festivals and weekdays. Once again, Rabbi Aigen displays a keen liturgical sensibility with fidelity to tradition and an openness to modern concerns and values. The balance struck between tradition and modernity represents an authentic renewal of Jewish tradition, one rooted in learning and contemporary spirituality. Mahzor Hadesh Yameinu will enrich the High Holiday experience and devotion of all Jews.”
– Rabbi David Ellenson, President, Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion

Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784